[Lionel Guidi]

Lionel Guidi

  • Affiliated researcher, UH
  • CNRS post-doctoral scholar
  • Observatoire Océanographique de Villefranche
  • 181, Chemin du Lazaret
  • 06234, Villefranche sur mer
  • +33(0)493763854
  • E:mail:
  • ----
      • Favorite quote: "It's hard to make predictions - especially about the future"
      • "Niels Bohr"

      Current Position

      • Sept 2012-Present: UPMC Post-doctoral scholar: Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche sur Mer
      • Nov 2011-Present: Affiliated researcher: University of Hawai'i at Manoa
        • Research interest: Marine biogeochemistry, Particle size distribution, Carbon export, Remote sensing, Particle transport.


      • May 2008: Double PhD
        • @ Université Pierre et Marie Curie/CNRS (LOV, Villefranche sur Mer, FRANCE)
        • @ Texas A&M University (Department of oceanography, College station, Texas, USA)
        • Research project: Particle flux transformation in the mesopelagic water column; process analyses and global balance. (PhD disseration in PDF).
      • 2004: "Diplôme d'Études Approfondies" (Master equivalent), University of Paris VI, France
        • Subject: Biological Oceanography and Marine Environment
        • Specialization: Marine ecosystem modelling, and data analyses.

      Positions Held

      • Nov 2011-Aug 2012: CNRS Post-doctoral scholar: Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche sur Mer
      • June 2011-Oct 2011: Hawaii Ocean Time-Series postdoctoral researcher, UH, HI, USA
      • 2008-May 2011: Gordon and Betty Moore postdoctoral fellowship, David Karl's Lab, UH, HI, USA
      • 2004-2008: PhD candidate - Texas A&M University
      • 2004-2008: French PhD Fellowship - University Pierre et Marie Curie (Laboratoire d'océanographie of Villefranche sur Mer)
      • 2003-2004: Visiting Scholar - UQAR (Université du Québec au Canada)
      • August 2010: Visiting Researcher - COAS, Oregon State University, USA
      • February 2010: Visiting Researcher - WHOI, MA, USA
      • November 2009: Visiting Researcher - Marine Physical Laboratory, SCRIPPS, CA, USA
      • August 2009: Visiting Researcher - Laboratoire d'océanographie of Villefranche sur Mer (France)
      • November 2008: Visiting Researcher - Laboratoire d'océanographie of Villefranche sur Mer (France)


      • May 2011 Hazardous Waste, Radiation Safety, Lab Safety, BioSafety trainings from UH Manoa.
      • September 2010 COMPASS training course at UH Manoa (CMORE)
        • Communication Partnership for Science and the Sea: SCIENCE & THE MEDIA: Opportunities and challenges in a rapidly changing world.
      • September 2010: Responsible Conduct of Research: Interactive training at UH Manoa (CMORE)
      • July 2003: Data analysis and modelling - training at the LOV, Villefranche-sur-mer, France
      • July 2000, 2001, 2002: Ecology of algae of the Mediterrean Sea - training at the UNSA, Nice, France


      • Submitted
        • Robin, T., L. Guidi, A. Dufour, C. Migon. Statistical distributions of trace metal concentrations in the Northwestern Mediterranean atmospheric aerosol. Environ. Monit. Assess.
      • 2007-Present
        1. Calcagno, V., E. Demoinet, K. Gollner, L. Guidi, D. Ruths, C. de Mazancourt. 2012. Flows of research manuscripts among scientific journals reveal hidden submission patterns. Science. 338: 1065-1069. (HTML)
        2. Ferraris, M., L. Berline, F. Lombard, L. Guidi, A. Elineau, M. Mendoza-Vera, M.K.S. Lilley, V. Taillandier, G. Gorsky. 2012. Distribution of Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea). J. Plank. Res. 34: 874-885. (HTML, PDF)
        3. Guidi, L., P.H.R. Calil, S. Duhamel, K.M. Bjorkman, S.C. Doney, G.A. Jackson, B. Li, M.J. Church, S. Tozzi, Z.S. Kolber, K.J. Richards, A.A. Fong, R.M. Letelier, G. Gorsky, L. Stemmann, D.M. Karl. 2012. Does eddy-eddy interaction control surface phytoplankton distribution and carbon export in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre? J. Geophys. Res-Biogeo. 117: G02024. (HTML, PDF)
        4. Smith, C. R., L. J. Grange, D. L. Honig, L. Naudts, B. Huber, L. Guidi, E. Domack. 2012. A large population of king crabs in Palmer Deep on the west Antarctic peninsula shelf and potential invasive impacts. P. Roy. Soc. B-Biol Sci. 279: 1017-1026. (HTML, PDF)
        5. Jouandet, M.P., T.W. Trull, L. Guidi, M. Picheral, F. Ebersbach, L. Stemmann, S. Blain. Optical imaging of mesopelagic particles indicates deep carbon flux beneath a natural iron fertilized bloom in the Southern Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr. 56: 1130-1140. (HTML, PDF)
        6. Guidi, L., V. Calcagno, F. Ibanez, G. Beaugrand. 2010. Reply to Comment on "A new procedure to optimize the selection of groups in a classification tree: Applications for ecological data". Ecol. Model. 221: 2739-2740. (HTML, PDF)
        7. Picheral, M., L. Guidi, L. Stemmann, D.M. Karl, G. Iddaoud, G. Gorsky. 2010. The Underwater Vision Profiler 5: A novel instrument for high spatial resolution studies of particle size spectra and zooplankton from 0 to 3000 m. Limnol. Oceanogr. Meth. 8: 462-473. (HTML, PDF)
        8. Guidi, L., L. Stemmann, G.A. Jackson, F. Ibanez, H. Claustre, L. Legendre, M. Picheral, G. Gorsky. 2009. Effects of phytoplankton community on production, size, and export of large aggregates: A World-Ocean analysis. Limnol. Oceanogr. 54: 1951-1963. (HTML, PDF)
        9. Guidi, L., F. Ibanez, V. Calcagno, G. Beaugrand. 2009. A new procedure to optimize the selection of groups in a classification tree: Applications for ecological data. Ecol. Model. 220: 451-461. (HTML, PDF)
        10. Guidi, L., G. Gorsky, H. Claustre, M. Picheral, L. Stemmann. 2008. Distribution and fluxes of aggregates >100 µm in the upper kilometer of the South-Eastern Pacific. Biogeosciences 5: 1361-1372. (HTML, PDF)
        11. Guidi, L., G. A. Jackson, L. Stemmann, J. C. Miquel, M. Picheral, G. Gorsky. 2008. Relationship between particle size distribution and flux in the mesopelagic zone. Deep-Sea Res. I. 55: 1364-1374. (HTML, PDF)
        12. Stemmann, L., D. Eloire, A. Sciandra, G. A. Jackson, L. Guidi, M. Picheral, G. Gorsky. 2008. Volume distribution for particles between 3.5 to 2000 µm in the upper 200 m region of the South Pacific Gyre. Biogeosciences. 5: 299-310. (HTML, PDF)
        13. Stemmann, L., K. Robert, M. Picheral, H. Paterson, A. Hosia, M. J. Youngbluth, F. Ibanez, L. Guidi, F. Lombard, G. Gorsky. 2008. Global biogeography of fragile macrozooplankton in the upper 100-1000 m depth inferred from the Underwater Video Profiler. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 65: 433-442. (HTML, PDF)
        14. Stemmann, L., L. Prieur, L. Legendre, I. Taupier-Letage, M. Picheral, L. Guidi, G. Gorsky. 2008. Effects of frontal processes on marine aggregate dynamics and fluxes: An interannual study in a permanent geostrophic front (NW Mediterranean). J. Mar. Syst. 70: 1-20. (HTML, PDF)
        15. Guidi, L., L. Stemmann, L. Legendre, M. Picheral, L. Prieur, G. Gorsky. 2007. Vertical distribution of aggregates (> 110 µm) and mesoscale activity in the northeastern Atlantic: Effects on the deep vertical export of surface carbon. Limnol. Oceanogr. 52: 7-18. (HTML, PDF)
      • PhD dissertation
        • Guidi, L. 2008. Particle flux transformation in the mesopelagic water column: process analysis and global balance. Texas A&M University. Ph.D. Dissertation. (PDF).


      • 2011
        • Guidi, L., L. Stemmann, M. Picheral, D.M. Karl, G. Gorsky. 2011. Carbon export spatial variability: What scale to consider? 3rd GEOTRACES Data-Model synergy workshop, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, November 14‐17, 2011.
      • 2009
        • Guidi, L., P. Calil, D. M. Karl, Z. Kolber. 2009. Submesoscale variability of particle (>100 µm) export around station ALOHA. AGU Chapman conference. Brockenhurst, England. September 2009.
      • 2008
        • Guidi, L. Particle flux transformation in the mesopelagic water column; process analyses and global balance. Oceanography Departmental Seminar Series. University of Hawaii. February 2008. (HTML)
      • 2007
        • Guidi, L., L. Stemmann, G. A. Jackson, M. Picheral, G. Gorsky. 2007. Effect of primary producer community on the production and export of large aggregates. Dynamic Green Ocean Project, 6th Workshop, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, 29 May-1 June 2007. (PDF)
        • Guidi, L., G. Jackson, L. Stemmann, M. Picheral, L. Legendre, G. Gorsky. 2007. Characterization of particulate matter (PM> 100 µm) distribution in the oceans. ASLO 2007 Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico, United State. (HTML)
      • 2006
        • Guidi, L., L. Stemmann., M. Picheral, G. Gorsky. 2006. Particulate matter stock and dynamics in the upper kilometer of the ocean. Dynamic Green Ocean Project, 5th Workshop, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, 14-16 April 2006.
        • Guidi, L., L. Stemmann, M. Picheral, G. Gorsky. 2006. Standing stock of the particulate matter in the South East Pacific: BIOSOPE Cruise. BIOSOPE meeting. Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, 7 - 8 February 2006.
      • 2005
        • Guidi, L., M. Picheral, L. Stemmann, G. Gorsky. 2005. Standing stock and calculated flux of the particulate matter in the South East Pacific: BIOSOPE Cruise. BIOSOPE meeting. Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, 27 - 29 June 2005.
        • Guidi, L. Evolution de la Matière Organique particulaire durant la campagne POMME, LOV intern seminar Nice, France, 20 January 2005.

      Scientific Cruises

      • August 2008 (15 days): OPEREX: C-MORE cruise
        • Research project: Explore the potential and limitations of perturbation experiments at sea. (HTML)
      • September 2006 (10 days): SCRIPPS cruise
        • Research project: Use of two SOLOPCs, one in relatively eutrophic and, one in relatively oligotrophic water. In addition to this being a second 'proof of concept' deployment, we have also investigated the observed diel variation seen during the first SOLOPC deployment. (PDF)
      • July 2005 (10 days): CIESM-SUB1 cruise
        • Research project: Understand the poorly studied Sicily Channel, in the Tyrrhenian Sea. (HTML)
      • November-December 2004 (30 days): BIOSOPE (BIogeochemistry and Optics South Pacific Experiment)
        • Research project: Estimation of the stock of particulate matter (PM) > 100 µm in the studied water column and the relationship between particulate matter's spatial pattern and the bio-physical data. (HTML)

      Synergistic Activities and Outreach

      • 2010-present: Member of "kahikai one ocean" administrator board. (KahiKai).
      • 2007-2009: Co-Editor with Dr. Paul Nival of the Journal of Oceanography, Research and Data. (JORD).
      • 2005-2007: Elected student at the committee of evaluation of the Laboratoire d'Océanography de Villefefranche sur mer, France.
      • 2002-2004: Mediterranean marine fauna and flora educative seminars for the youth in the city of Roquebrune Cap Martin (Alpes Maritimes, France)

      Reviewer for

      • Journals: Limnology and Oceanography, Limnology and Oceanography Methods, Deep-Sea Research part I and II, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Geophysical Research Letters, Ecological Modelling, Biogeosciences, Global Change Biology, Journal of Marine Systems, Progress in Oceanography.
      • Fundings: National Science Foundation (Biological Oceanography, Marine Chemistry), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Global Carbon Cycle)


      • French and English (spoken read and written)
      • Italian (spoken and read)